Specialty recruitment for IT, Engineering, Manufacturing, Management, Sales and Finance.
Our strategic focus on select industries allows FCR to do what we do best. Help your company grow and succeed.

Specialty recruitment for IT, Engineering, Manufacturing, Management, Sales and Finance.
Our strategic focus on select industries allows FCR to do what we do best. Help your company grow and succeed.
Who We Hire
Executive and professionals who are actively and passively seeking new opportunities.
Financial Analysts
Project Managers
Sales Managers
Marketing Managers
General Managers
Controls Engineers
Manufacturing Engineers
Process Engineers
Engineering Managers
Your Trusted Partner for Finding Top Talent
Do you struggle to find top talent in a market that is highly competitive? You are not alone; many companies are experiencing a skills gap.
According to “the Manufacturing Institute”, over the next decade more than 3.3 million manufacturing jobs will need to be filled. The skills gap is expected to result in two million of those jobs going unfilled. If this information is not enough reason to partner with a professional recruiter, the next 10 reasons will help you decide.
Recruiters attend seminars to improve their skill set. Recruiters have in-house databases of thousands of candidates to contact. As the owner and Business Development Manager I am always networking and meeting new people. Some of the best talent is passively looking for new opportunities and will not have a resume posted online.
Recruiters can assist you with salary requirements based on the competition. Recruiters can assist you setting your expectations realistically. As the Business Development Manager I am always asking the question “what are the top 5 skills/personality traits you are really looking for”?
Recruiters receive nothing for their work until the positon is filled. I personally do not know of very many services that do not require a retainer fee of some amount.
Recruiters will either refund your fee if the candidate does not work out or find you a replacement at no extra cost. If you hire without a recruiter, all the time spent on the hire is lost money. First Class Recruiting offers a 60-day guarantee.
Recruiters understand the market and know what will attract the right talent. They can match the right candidate to your company. As the Business Development Manager part of my job is to get to know my clients and the work environment. The better I know and understand my clients the better job I can do selling the company and the opportunity to the right candidate. I spend most of my time talking to clients and candidates and I have a good understanding of what candidate’s value when deciding to accept a new opportunity.
Recruiters are a third party and candidates will share concerns and issues with them. If I interview a candidate and he/she is interviewing with multiple companies, I can relay this information to my client to ensure we do not wait too long and lose a great candidate.
Recruiters are focused on your niche and will keep you up to date on the position and potential candidates. It is my job to ensure I send my clients qualified candidates and that I receive feedback in a timely manner. I maintain contact with my clients throughout the recruiting process.
Recruiters are experienced and professional and know how to handle and keep your candidate warm throughout the interviewing process. It is my job to ensure we attract, retain and secure top talent. I move the recruiting process along maintaining a relationship with the candidate ensuring the candidate is still interested in the opportunity.
The cost to leave a position unfilled is enormous. Recruiters have the skills to move the interviewing and the offer letter stage along at quicker pace. Recruiters are the quarterback between the candidate and the company.
Recruiters do not get paid unless you find the top talent your company requires. I am always highly motivated to find top talent and fill positions for all my clients in a timely and professional manner.
Our Hiring Process
Our clients trust us to be with them every step of the way as we work together to build Dream Teams. The personalized service we offer is unlike any in the industry as we not only find top candidates, but we also guide our clients through the onboarding process to ensure the retention of top talent.